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Hey, Hi, Hello!

My name is Alyssa, and I'm the face behind the posts...

It's always important (at least to me) that when reading a blog, I know about the writer, and some of their characteristics so that when I read a post, I can connect and learn on an even deeper level and essentially put a face and vibe to the post!

"People are going to talk about you no matter what you do. So you might as well do whatever brings you joy and continue to live your best life."

This quote is one that truly resonates with my soul; it's SO true! We all know the saying, "There is no such thing as bad publicity", but in reality, who actually wants people talking in a negative manner about them? Me? Heck to the no, no, no! But... it's going to happen. So, let's keep doing what brings us joy and live the best dang life we can, k? K. I'd love to give you a quick brief into my life, and what better way than a quick ice-breaker exercise I did in middle school, to share 20 facts about me.

  1. I am currently living out my roaring 20's at the blissful age of 24.

  2. I live on the beach, and feel incredibly blessed that the sand is a 10 second walk from me.

  3. I LOVE coffee. What, you couldn't tell?

  4. My favorite snack is goldfish, or as my tiniest friend would call them, "shish".

  5. Ice cream is my weakness... specifically, chocolate.

  6. Please don't ever send flowers (not that you would) - I'm notorious for killing them.

  7. I have a rescue kitty named Rufus, and he is appropriately named after the band, Rufus Du Sol.

  8. I'm an avid wine drinker, but I'm no snob. My merlots probably taste the same as my cabs.

  9. Public speaking was my biggest fear in school... so, if I could emcee an entire Gala, anything is possible.

  10. I am a Co-Founder of 2 technology companies in the Greater Tampa Bay area, and love what I do.

  11. My favorite non-profit is EmpowHERment, and in no coincidence, my powerhouse of a best friend, Ambee Stephens, is their Founder.

  12. I LIVE through my calendar. If it's on the calendar, it's happening!

  13. I am currently navigating my way through the book, Atomic Habits, and highly recommend it!

  14. I once asked for a giraffe for Christmas... it came stuffed.

  15. I can be bad texter, and apologize to my friends often about it.

  16. I'm fluent in sign language, and have been interpreting for over 12 years!

  17. I LOVE to work out and move my body. SPENGA is the absolute best at kicking my butt!

  18. I wear a wedding band that I bought for myself as a reminder to always love myself first.

  19. My biggest fear on this earth is snakes. Real, rubber, wooden... big ol' no.

  20. My goal in this life is to make an impact. On one person or one million, that's the goal.

These facts were not only fun to share, but also serve as a reminder to myself that there is SO much life to live, and waking up to a life that I love, and have created, is something I'd wish upon everyone. Do one thing a day that brings you joy. Spread your wings and fly. Blossom. You're doing great.

I'd love to learn more about YOU as well, so if you feel ever-so compelled, please feel free to leave a comment below and tell me something about you! (Make sure to create an account to leave a comment!)

Alyssa Manhattan.jpg

A note from the author:

I'm so glad you're here! Thank you for taking the time to check out this post. I cannot wait to continue to share even more with you!


As always, continue to keep your personal cup just as full as your coffee cup with unlimited refills.

Let the posts
come to you.

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